
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Goat in the Rug

This week we read a story called The Goat in the Rug.  It was about a Native American girl who used the wool from her goat to weave a rug.  Today we did some weaving of our own! 

Crazy Sock Day!

Today we continued to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday and Read Across America by wearing crazy socks.  Here are the crazy socks that were in our 2nd grade classroom.  Don't forget that tomorrow is hat day.  Students may wear their favorite hat to school!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rocks, Soils, and Fossils

In Science we just finished our chapter on rocks, soils, and fossils.  Today the 2nd graders made imprints of shells to finish up the chapter.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Rock Activity

Today we started our rock project.  Each students was asked to bring in a rock from home.   We looked at their different qualities.  They then had to draw and color pictures of their rocks. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Read Across America

Did you know that Dr. Seuss was not really a doctor?  Or that a man gave Dr. Seuss a list of words that were easy to read and told him to write a book only using those words?  From that list came the book The Cat in the Hat.  Today McLouth Elementary took some time to celebrate Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss' Birthday.  The Cat in the Hat brought each classroom green eggs and ham.
The Cat in the Hat (Mr. Dodge)

Students eating green eggs and ham and watching a video.

The Cat in the Hat delivering green eggs and ham.

Solid Figures

Avery gluing her cube together.

Sky working on her cube.
In Math we are currently learning about solid figures.  Here are a few pictures of students making cubes yesterday in the classroom.