
Monday, February 18, 2013

QR Code Activity

Today for Science students used the i-pods and i-pads to scan QR codes for an activity.  QR codes were first invented by Toyota to keep track of vehicles during manufacturing.  Now we see QR codes all over.  You may have seen them in restaurants, on cars at dealerships, or even on packaging.
Students were given vocabulary for this chapter in Science.  They were sent on a vocabulary scavenger hunt around the classroom.  When scanned the word and definition would pop up on the screen of the i-pad or i-pod.  Here are a few pictures from today.
Walker scans a QR code.

Sky, Gage, and Alexis copy the definition from the I-Pod.

Kaylynn and Quentin scan a QR code.

Friday, February 1, 2013

100th Day of School

One group and their cup structure.

Sky counting how many times Kaylynn can say the ABC's.
Last week we celebrated the 100th Day of School.  We did different activities through out the day and even the week.  We stacked 100 cups so see what we could build. We estimated and then counted how many times we could do different things in 100 seconds such as say our abc's, sit and stand, write our name, and clap our hands.  We wrote about what we would spend $100 on.  We had students who would spend it on hamsters to students who would spend it on legos.  We really had a fun time with the 100th Day this week!

Tie Week

I am sorry that I am behind on sharing what is going on in the classroom.  A few weeks ago we read a story called Mr. Tanen's Tie Trouble.  This story was about a principal that auctioned off all of his ties, except for his most favorite tie, to help build a school playground.  Students each designed their own ties and we auctioned them off in the classroom.  On Friday students wore the tie that they had bought at our classroom tie auction.  Here is our class with their ties.